Why Participate

Why Participate

The objective of the Conference is to promote cost-effective and sound engineering good practices that are amenable to labour-based methods, whilst generating optimum employment opportunities and minimising the foreign capital drain implicit in the use of technologies dependent on the use of heavy equipment particularly for works that can be done by labour. The Conference is also intended to generate policies, strategies and programmes that are targeted at addressing teething social ills such as unemployment and poverty and that contributes towards national economic development, wealth creation and social progress.

The Conference will provide participants an opportunity to exchange ideas, share knowledge and experiences as well as networking. In addition, participants will be apprised of new policies, strategies, trends and working methods that promote the application of Labour-based technology in infrastructure delivery.

Connect, Innovate, Transform

Join us in Addis Ababa

The objective of the Conference is to promote cost-effective and sound engineering good practices that are amenable to labour-based methods, whilst generating optimum employment opportunities and minimising the foreign capital drain implicit in the use of technologies dependent on the use of heavy equipment particularly for works that can be done by labour. The Conference is also intended to generate policies, strategies and programmes that are targeted at addressing teething social ills such as unemployment and poverty and that contributes towards national economic development, wealth creation and social progress.

Expected Participants

Conference participants are expected to come from a range of institutions, Government Ministries responsible for infrastructure development & public employment programmes, local authorities, NGOs, higher academic and training institutions, development partners, and the private sector.