20th ILO Regional Conference

For Labour-based Practitioners

Employment Intensive Investment Program

15-19 May 2025

Adwa Victory Memorial Museum Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Hosted by:

The call for abstracts is now closed! Thank you to everyone who submitted—stay tuned for updates

Welcome to the 20th ILO Regional Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to be held in Addis Ababa, a premier event bringing together experts from labor, social policy, and economic development to advance key regional goals for decent work, social protection, and sustainable development.

With up to 2,500 attendees, 50 sessions, and over 70 exhibitors, join us to explore innovations in labor rights, economic resilience, and policies fostering inclusive growth across the region.

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20th ILO Regional Conference         15-19 May 2023       

A Word From Host

A word from our organisers

In my capacity as Chairman of the National Organizing Committee, I take this opportunity to invite colleagues and all participants (practitioners, policy makers, Researchers, Academics and Development Partners) to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the 20th Regional Conference for Labour –based Practitioners, which will take place from the 19th – 23rd May, 2025. The theme for the 20th Regional Conference is “ Resilient communities and Healthy Environment: the EIIP approach”.  As you all know Unemployment is a global challenge that is constraining livelihood opportunities for vulnerable people, driving the internal and external displacement and fuelling frustrations, particularly among the youth, leading to higher incidents of violence or conflict around the world. “Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” is one of the outcomes for the Sustainable Development Goals (#8). Through this outcome governments are expected work towards maximize decent work opportunities through a robust, inclusive and poverty-reducing growth. These are the challenges that we as practitioners must embrace and contribute in realising these ambitions of our people. The selection the theme is also premised on the belief that by uniting to address these critical issues, we can forge a path towards social justice and ensuring a more sustainable and prosperous future for all individuals and communities
The 20thRegional Conference provides participants with a chance to deliberate on the role and contribution of employment intensive approach in achieving the above and other SDG outcomes, mainly focussing on building national capacities for employment creation, skills development, expanding employment-based social protection floor and conserving of the environment and addressing climate change and its adverse effects. By so doing, the Conference will contribute towards strengthening the global coalition for social justice and attainment of just transition for all.  The Conference will also deliberate on new developments and innovations in the construction technology including the use of natural resources and local materials, skills (anticipation, development and matching), work organization and fair labour standards, socially inclusive procurement, green infrastructure delivery and ICT that promote resilience and sustainable livelihood for the poor and vulnerable people. The Conference will feature distinguished keynote speakers with local and global knowledge and experience. We shall also have high level technical presentations on policies, strategies and innovations related to employment intensive infrastructure delivery.  The presentations will be complemented by plenary/ group discussions, site visits and exhibitions of products and services. The Conference will also offer an opportunity for interaction and networking among the participants. I therefore urge all participates to come prepared to take full advantage of the various sessions. The National Organizing Committee is fully committed to deliver the most inspirational and educational Conference and ensure your safety, security and comfort during your stay here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  The committee looks forward to meeting you in Addis.
Ato Yetimmgeta Asrat
Chairperson of the organizing committee
State Minister
Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure  

Closing Ceremony of the 19th ILO Regional Seminar